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Clever one! The dialogs are well made and the end is stupid... I LOVE IT! ahah

WOW what a banger! And I know bangers! This was a really fun one to play. I love the perspective shift at the end and the writing. The music was good as well. And the text was easy to read in the box. May I suggest creating a variable so that once you shoot the demon minions the text changes to say something like "It no longer moves." or "It's dead..." I loved this creativity though. Keep it up! 10/10 would shot a demon lord again.

The layout of the floor and walls are really nice.

really creative!!! i like how you used the textbox to simulate combat

I find it really funny how he gives up after being shot, so real for that.

I like this! Was able to get into it as I played even with limited amount of pixels! The dialog is very unique and stands out to me